Jenkins on Docker for .NET projects

A big portion of last year I’ve spent building accelerators for a Sitecore solution scaffolding and deployments aside from production projects. All this work was done for VMs created in a cloud managed via OpenStack. Using PowerShell DSC we were able to easily set up single machine local sandboxes as well as multi-server environments. However, provisioning VM and then configuring them is still less than ideal for the deployment of an application....

May 2, 2017 Â· 4 min Â· Alex Smagin

Sitecore Continuous Integration

Usually, during the standard process of development, you would have several environments like DEV, QA, UAT/STAGING, and so on. The more environments you have - the more cases and differences in deployment you will need to implement. In this post, I would try to describe how you could simplify your life implementing CI for Sitecore based projects. Solution Almost immediately you would face a question of content synchronizations. There are a lot of options that you could use:...

September 25, 2014 Â· 3 min Â· Alex Smagin