Generation of a Composite Model Using Reflection and Sitecore Serialization

In my previous post, I’ve described the benefits of composition pattern over inheritance in code generation and mentioned that it simplifies restoration of models from reflection. From my point, this is a huge plus as it enables the creation of developer-friendly modular architecture in Sitecore. I do not think that someone still has problems with a creation of an update package with Sitecore config transforms, but it is not possible to install an update package in your Visual Studio solution....

August 4, 2016 Â· 6 min Â· Alex Smagin

Composite Reuse Principle in Sitecore Code Generation

If you do Sitecore projects and have never tried to create strongly typed models, then most likely you are doing something wrong. :) Why? As soon as your project grows a bit, the logic becomes more complex or you decide to refactor a few components, you will suffer from all magic things - strings, numbers, GUIDs. Of cause, there are a few things that you can do about that. Available Options You could create a file with constants for templates and field IDs, which would help you keeping references in one place and make them more manageable....

August 2, 2016 Â· 6 min Â· Alex Smagin

Sitecore: multisite solution organization

Reading Sitecore manuals or digging in the Internet you probably see a following statement: “Information Architecture is very important for Sitecore solution”. So I would like to share some thoughts and approached. Nowadays I’m mainly working with MVC and this post is also about it, but a lot of stuff could apply to WebForms as well. Design Projects organization in solution It doesn’t matter whether you working with a multi- or single-site project, you should always treat it as multi-site, as your customer will ask you one day to add something and you should be ready for this kind of request....

June 15, 2014 Â· 3 min Â· Alex Smagin